Alejandro Monteagudo

Alejandro Monteagudo

Alejandro Monteagudo was born in 1990 in Barcelona. Even though during his teens he took interest in poetry and to a lesser extent in narrative, his main passions were Psychology and Sociology, which is why he decides to study Criminology at Barcelona University.

Alejandro Monteagudo

It is during this time period when, encouraged by his uncle, he publishes the poetry anthology “El Fénix Azul” (link en el título). Including the best poems he had written to date.

It is also during this time when Alejandro rekindles his interest in narrative, writing several short stories and, finally, taking a year long course in creative writing in the Ateneu Barcelonés, where he started taking the first steps to what would latter be his first novel.

After finishing his Criminology degree, Alejandro leaves Spain to live near Manchester, In the UK, where he finishes “I am Leaving You” (link en el título) his first novel, and starts the translating it to the English language.

Across his writing, both in poetry and narrative,one can perceive the author's interest in social themes and the exploration of human nature, a developed critical voice and the love for well rounded characters that has defined Alejandro's work.